A journey through time
1946 – today
From a locksmith to a leading crane construction company

our story
Our unique success story begins with a courageous step: Despite the difficult economic situation, Fritz Voith leases a small site from the tobacco company in Linz and establishes his own construction locksmith’s store with a staff of 5. As early as 1949, 20 employees could be employed due to the continuously increasing order situation.

1949 Ing. Voith buys a plot of land in St. Martin near Traun and builds a 600m² production hall and 120m² office space on it. The order situation continues to be stable and enables the company to purchase its own crane system. Locksmith work is still carried out and switch cabinets and transformer boilers are manufactured.

Tireless pioneering spirit lets the Ing.Voith/Traun company venture into new realms. The vision of producing its own overhead crane systems becomes reality. Thus, the triumphal march of Voith cranes begins with the delivery of the first self-produced crane systems.

In 1971, Fritz Voith, the company’s founder, died unexpectedly of a heart attack. His wife Ruth becomes managing director of the company and is supported by 2 long-time employees – Ing. Meingassner and Ing. Lackner. The development of crane construction progressed rapidly, which is why the company moved to Oedt in Traun in 1989. Here, the 100 employees have more than 10,000 m² at their disposal.

The triumph of Voith’s individual and innovative crane solutions continued in the 1990s. The magnetic crane designed by the company’s own team became a showpiece product. In the meantime, the company is known throughout Europe. Ing. Meingassner and Ing. Lackner take their well-deserved retirement in 1999. The management is taken over by Ing. Strasser and Dipl.-Ing. Lackner. The company grows steadily and now employs 120 people.

Numerous innovations and further developments demonstrate Voith’s unceasing spirit of innovation. The latest 3D design programs and more powerful machines for production are purchased in order to cope with the ever-increasing production workload. The office building is further expanded and continuously modernized. In order to offer junior staff a progressive working environment, the training workshop is also completely renewed in 2018.

The sale to Eurocrane Co. Ltd. based in China enables the two companies to mutually benefit from research and to expand sales and service structures. We will continue to operate as “Voith” as an independent Austrian brand and fill the worldwide premium segment within the Eurocrane Group. Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Lackner is now the sole operational managing director with the support of strategic managing director Irene Jin, who is also the owner of the business. With the coupled power of both companies a new chapter is opened in our success story.

2020 – today
Nothing can stop the success of our company. In the meantime, a team of over 180 employees ensures the worldwide success of our crane systems. Further extensions and modernizations of the office building create a future-oriented working environment. The employees use an innovative flexitime and home office system. Investments in electric vehicles, electric pool cars for car sharing and an e-charging station are one of our contributions to a more sustainable future.
There will be a gigantic premiere in 2022: The largest trolley in the company’s history will be constructed for a customer in Hamburg.
Our journey goes on. Full of motivation and creative spirit, our customers around the world will continue to be able to rely on our quality and service in the future.